The "Visits to cancel" functionality in the "Visits" menu helps to cancel appointments. In case when doctor’s work schedule is changing some of the appointed earlier visits may require cancelation because of the impossibility of their realization. A list of all such visits can be viewed by selecting the "Visits to cancel" functionality in the "Visits" menu. At every visit requires cancelation there is the "Cancel" button.
To cancel a visit, the patient should be informed about that (contact details are visible in the "Patient" column) and then click "Cancel" button. Then there is opened a new window where one has to enter requestor and reason of cancelling. If the patient while saving appointment was inserted into the waiting queue he should be deleted from the queue by indicating the reason and clicking "Next" button; if he was not inserted into the queue, this step is skipped.
Cancellation of the visit is confirmed by the appropriate message and the notification sent to the patient.
After closing the window of visit cancelation, canceled visit disappears from the list of visits waiting for cancelation.
Notification - keeping in touch with patient
The system allows defining and sending notifications to patients. Notifications are sent by SMS and/or e-mail, depending on the settings saved in the patient card. Notifications are not sent immediately, but getting to the queue, where they are collected and sent in bulk.
There is defined 6 kinds of notifications in the system:
To view or edit the content of any of the defined notifications, select from the "Administration" menu "Notifications" functionality and then from a table of notification select "Edit" button located in the line corresponding to the notification. At displayed page you will can edit the contents of the notifications separately for SMS and e-mail channels. As a reminder of the upcoming visit, you can additionally specify one or two delivery times (how many hours before the visit the system should send notification). If the sending of a given notification is to be stopped, the field "Inactive (not sent)" should be marked on the form. After entering / modifying data, save them by clicking the "Update" button.
When defining the content of the notification you can use the system-defined tags that in the real notification will be replaced with the corresponding values they represent. All tags are inscriptions wrote in capital letters and in curly brackets. When using these tags you have to keep in absolute accordance to the characters of variable’s name. The system tags are defined as follows:
After entering the contents, they should be saved using the "Update" button.
If notifications regarding visits for certain clinics should not be sent, click the "Notifications for visit (email)" or "Notifications for visit (SMS)" (depending on the notification sending channel) visible under the notifications list. This will open a new window with a list of clinics where one should select the clinics for which notifications should NOT be sent by the given channel and save the data by clicking the "Save" button.