The "Configuration" functionality from "Surgery" menu allows to change the default appearance of the visit window in the doctor's surgery. After selecting this functionality there is displayed a form with configuration parameters of surgery. There are available the following settings:
- FORWARD and BACK button in visit window tabs - the parameter that allows to show or hide the "Back" and "Next" buttons in all tabs of window of visit is surgery
- END VISIT button in visit window tabs - this parameter allows to display the "End visit" button in all tabs of the window of visit in surgery (by default it is only displayed in the "Summary" tab)
- Visit window close button - a parameter allows to display or hide the "x" button of closing window of visit
- Prescriptions issue button - a parameter allows to set the type of button used to issuing prescriptions in the "Drugs" tab of window of visit
- Referrals issue button - a parameter for setting the type of button used to issue referrals in the "Referrals" tab of window of visit
- Examination referrals issue button – a parameter for setting the type of button used to issue examination referrals in the "Orders" tab of window of visit
- SUMMARY button in SUMMARY tab – a parameter that allows to show or hide the "Summary" button in the "Summary" tab of window of visit
- Predefined referral to specialist – parameter specifying if predefined (built in) form for issuing referral to specialist is to be visible within “Referrals” tab (hiding this form is not recommended because in case of referring for surgery it disallows to specify documents necessary to fill before surgery and patient/tool sets necessary to perform surgery)
- Predefined referral to hospital – parameter specifying if predefined (built in) form for issuing referral to hospital is to be visible within “Referrals” tab (hiding this form is not recommended because in case of referring for operation it disallows to specify documents necessary to fill before operation and patient/tool sets necessary to perform operation)
- Predefined referral to spa – parameter specifying if predefined (built in) form for issuing referral to spa is to be visible within “Referrals” tab
- Predefined order for device – parameter specifying if predefined (built in) form for issuing order for device is to be visible within “Referrals” tab
- Specialities accesible when issuing refferal to specialist - a list of VIII part of the ministerial code to be available for selection when issuing referrals to specialists in the "Referral" tab of window of visit
- Specialities accesible when issuing refferal to hospital - a list of VIII part of the ministerial code to be available for selection for the issue of referrals to the hospital in the "Referral" tab of window of visit
- Vertical shift of content to print on a referral to a specialist (lines) - move vertically (down) content of referral to a specialist on a referral print in lines of text
- Vertical shift of content to print on a referral to a hospital (lines) - move vertically (down) content of referral to hospital on a referral print in lines of text
- Vertical shift of content to print on an examinations referral (lines) - move vertically (down) content of examination referral on a referral print in lines of text
- Vertical shift of content on a recommendation print (lines) - move vertically (down) content of recommendation on a recommendation print in lines of text
- Printout opening mode – a parameter for setting a way of opening PDF documents to print
- Prescribed drugs suggestions display mode - this parameter determines the mechanism of suggestions at prescribing medications to the patient in the tab of "Drugs" tab; There are two modes: "Suggestions displayed for drug name but containing drug name form dose and package" - suggestions are displayed only in the name of the drug field but in this field you can enter also names and doses of drug and on the list of suggestions is displayed full information about the drug (name, form, dosage and package), "suggestions displayed separately for drug name form dose and package" - hints are displayed in each field of name, form, dosage and package of the drug, when typing the name of the drug the system displays a hint containing only names of drugs, after selecting name of drug from the list of hints, the system automatically moves a cursor to the field of form of drug and displays hints containing available forms of drug having this name. After selecting form of drug from the list of hints, the system automatically moves a cursor to the field of dose of drug and displays hints containing available doses of drug having this name and form. After selecting dose of drug from the list of hints, the system automatically moves a cursor to the field of package of drug and displays hints containing available packages of drug having this name, form and dose, after selecting package of drug the system automatically fills default number of packages and payment for the drug.
- Limit of number of drugs suggestions - this parameter determines the maximum number of items you want to appear on the lists of suggestions at prescribing drugs
- Limit of number of pharmaceutical materials suggestions - parameter determining the maximum number of items to appear on the lists of suggestions when defining the composition of made drugs
- Drugs input fields magnification - a parameter that determines the appearance of fields to prescribe drugs (no magnification - the "drug name", "form", "dosage", "pack. x amount", "payment", "dosage", "dosage in words", "solid" and "Add" button displayed in one line, fields enlarged – the "drug name", "form", "dosage", " pack. x amount", "payment", "dosage", "dosage in words", "solid" and "Add" button extended, with large font and displayed in two lines)
- Collective printing prescriptions - this parameter determines the behavior of the "Print recipes" in the "Drugs" tab (each recipe only once - each time click the print prescriptions button prints only these recipes which have not been printed yet; All prescriptions every time - each click a print prescriptions button prints all issued prescription)
- Borders of fields in forms for filling document templates – parameter defining style of forms fields borders displayed within tabs „Interview”, „Examination” and „Referrals” and intended to fill document templates (standard – frame around the whole field, underline – only bottom edge of frame, none – no frames)
- Refunded examinations ordering limit – parameter defining number of refunded diagnostic examinations chosen by doctor for an order which when achieved will effect with warning displayed for the doctor and sayint that limit of refunded diagnostic examinations possible to order has been achieved
- Refunded examinations distribution in columns - separated with commas numbers specifying quantities of refunded examinations displayed within particular columns of diagnostic examinations order form (six numbers separated with commas)
- Non-refunded examinations distribution in columns - separated with commas numbers specifying quantities of non-refunded examinations displayed within particular columns of diagnostic examinations order form (six numbers separated with commas)
- Flags displayed instead descriptions in examination results printouts – separated with commas flags which should be displayed within diagnostic examinations results printouts (if this parameter is empty, then descriptions will be displayed within diagnostic examinations results printouts, else specified flags will be displayed within diagnostic examinations results printouts and other flags will be omitted)
- Time after which unrealized vaccination orders are automatically canceled – time in minutes after which order for vaccination that has not been realized is to be automatically canceled
- Automatic checking of drug interactions – parameter specifying whether the system has to detect interactions between drugs automatically when prescribing drugs by the doctor and warn if they occur or interactions are to be checked only at the user's request
- Place nonprescription drugs on prescriptions – parameter indicating whether nonprescription medicines are to be placed on prescriptions after all or not to be placed on prescriptions
- Allow prescription of abrogated drugs - parameter indicating whether abrogated drugs can be prescribed to patients
- Automatically load interview template to visit if only one template exists - parameter indicating whether an interview template should be automatically inserted into the 'Interview' tab at the time of undertaking visit (if there is only one such template)
- Automatically load examination template to visit if only one template exists - parameter indicating whether an examination template should be automatically inserted into the 'Examination' tab at the time of undertaking visit (if there is only one such template)
- Automatically load recommendation template to visit if only one template exists - parameter indicating whether an recommendation template should be automatically inserted into the 'Recommendation' tab at the time of undertaking visit (if there is only one such template)
- Possibility to copy data from history of visits to current visit - parameter determining whether in the visit window it should be possible to copy data from past visits to the current visit
- Visit window layout - parameter indicating what layout of the visit window the system should display
- Automatically save data while changing tab - parameter enabling the mechanism of automatic saving of data in the visit window each time the tab is changed
- Internal collection facility - a parameter indicating whether there is an internal collection facility in the system (i.e. whether doctors can issue orders for diagnostic tests supported by an internal collection facility)
- External collection facility - a parameter indicating whether the entity cooperates with an external collection facility (i.e. whether doctors can issue orders for diagnostic tests supported by an external collection facility)
- Possibility to realize commercial services gratuitously - the parameter indicates whether doctors can provide commercial services free of charge, which according to the price list are paid services
- Compulsion of indication of at least one commercial service to close commercial visit - the parameter indicates whether doctors must demonstrate at least one commercial service (possibly free) at the commercial visit before closing the visit
- Can one omit indication of referral type while issuing referral to hospital – the parameter specifies whether one has to indicate referral type while issuing referral to hospital
- Mode of displaying examinations during issuing orders for external collection facility - defines how the tests to be ordered for an external collection point are to be presented to the doctor - as a full list or as a search engine
- Does the system generate signature requests for medical certificates? - determines whether when the doctor issues a medical certificate to the patient in occupational medicine, the system is to generate a request for a signature confirming the receipt of this certificate by the patient
- Specialities requiring entering interview into EHR to close visit - list of VIII parts of the departmental code of the clinic for which the system is to prevent the visit from being closed without entering the interview data in the "Interview" tab of the visit window
- Specialities requiring entering examination into EHR to close visit - list of VIII parts of the departmental code of the clinic for which the system is to prevent the visit from being closed without entering the examination data in the "Examination" tab of the visit window
- Default value entered in the e-referral field for spa treatment "..." - a set of parameters defining default values for the form fields for issuing e-referral for spa treatment
- Tabs visibility in visit window - configurator of tabs visibility for different specialties is used to determine which tabs will be displayed in particular clinic ("Home" tab is always displayed in all clinics); when click on the name of specialization there is developed a list of names of tabs with fields enable the selection of tabs which will appear in the visit window in the clinic for a given specialty, no indication of any tab for any specialty will result that all tabs will be visible to this specialty.
After making changes to the configuration it should be confirmed with "Save" button.