This dictionary allows to enter data of posts/courses, on which work/study takes place with exposure to noxious or strenuous agents. After choosing the functionality of “Posts” from submenu “Occupational medicine” in menu “Administration” there appears list of institutions previously defined, which employes/students will pass through occupational medicine examinations. Next to each institution there is a button allowing to choose the given institution.
By clicking the button of “Choose” there appears list of posts/courses within the chosen institution. Next to each position on the list there are visible buttons allowing for modification and removal of the given position and button for defining occupational medicine examination, under the list there is a button allowing for addition of new position.
By clicking the button of “Add” empty form is displayed, while clicking the button of “Edit” displays form filled with the data of chosen/course post in change mode, and clicking the button of “Delete” displays form filled with the data of chosen post/course in read only mode.
To add post/course one has to enter its name within the form and choose noxious agents that work/study on a given post/course is exposed to (factors from only one legal act can be selected - factors from different legal acts cannot be mixed; if the list of agents is long, they can be easily searched by entering a fragment of the agent's name in the "Search ..." field), and then confirm it with the button “Add”. To modify data of post/course one has to change its name and/or noxious agents within the form and confirm it with the button “Update”. To remove post/course one has just to click the button of “Delete” within the form to confirm it.
In a situation where the institution to which a given position is assigned uses the portal for institutions to plan occupational medicine for its employees, it is necessary to define what occupational medicine examinations should be carried out on a given position. To define such examinations click the "Examinations" button at a given post on the posts list. Then a list of occupational medicine ranges will be displayed with the buttons that allow modification/deletion of each range and a button enabling the definition of visits within which the examinations will be carried out, under the list there is a button available to add a new range.
To add a new range of occupational medicine to a given post, click the "Add" button. The form for adding the range of occupational medicine will be displayed. After filling in, the data should be confirmed with the "Add" button.
To modify the details of the range of occupational medicine, click the "Edit" button for the given range of occupational medicine on the list. The form identical to that of adding a new range will be displayed, except that it is filled with the modified range data. After making modifications, they must be confirmed with the "Update" button. To remove the range of occupational medicine, you should click the "Delete" button in the given range of occupational medicine on the list. A form identical to that of the modification of the range of occupational medicine will be displayed, except that it is displayed in read-only mode. The intention to delete the range should be confirmed with the "Delete" button.To define occupational medicine visits from a given range, click on the "Visits" button in the given range of occupational medicine on the list. A list of the definitions of occupational medicine visits will be displayed. The definition of an occupational medicine visit consists of the determination of which examination/examinations will be carried out during the visit and in which clinic/clinics the visit may be carried out. At each visit definition, you can see buttons that allow you to modify and delete a given definition, there is a button under the list that allows you to add a new visit definition.
To add a new definition of the occupational medicine visit, click the "Add" button. The form for adding the visit definition will then be displayed (by default, all tests resulting from noxious and arduous agents specific to a given post are selected in it for which visits have not yet been planned; if the list of examinations is long, they can be easily searched by entering a fragment of the name of the examination in the "Search ..." field). After filling in, the data should be confirmed with the "Add" button.
To modify the details of the visit definition, click the "Edit" button for the given definition of the visit in the list. The form identical to the one in the case of adding a new visit definition will be displayed, except that it is filled with the modified visit definition data. After making modifications, they must be confirmed with the "Update" button. To delete the visit definition, click the "Delete" button for the given definition of the visit in the list. The form identical to that of the visit definition modification will be displayed, except that it is displayed in read-only mode. The intention to delete the visit definition should be confirmed with the "Delete" button.